The Erckmann-Chatrian Hotel

Charming hotel

14 Place d’Armes,

57370 Phalsbourg, France

Opening hours

Open from

Monday to Sunday


By phone at

03 87 24 31 33

Our Hotel

As a crossroads of history, fortified by Vauban, the town of Phalsbourg is at the center of the Alsace – Lorraine axis.

The Dabo Rock, the inclined plane, summer toboggans, the town of Saverne, and more are all accessible in less than 30 minutes.

The hotel team will be delighted to welcome you to this charming establishment equipped with 16 rooms with a decidedly traditional decor.

You will enjoy all the necessary comfort to make your stay unforgettable.

Reservation by phone

03 87 24 31 33